Celebrating Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day

Today, Thursday, October 22, we mark Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day – a day for us to take a moment and recognize the commitment, hard work and passion of our Designated Early Childhood Educators (DECEs). Every day, these educators support the learning and care of thousands of students in the Waterloo […]

Prioritizing Student Health and Safety During Halloween

As we near the end of October, and with leaves already falling from trees, our minds turn to the festivities and celebrations of the season. Public Health recommendations are an important consideration especially this year, as schools, students and their families contemplate specific activities within classrooms, schools and the community. Putting Health and Safety First […]

The WRDSB Celebrates Local Government Week

The week of October 19 to 23 marks Local Government Week. Along with our partners at the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA), we are working to raise civic awareness among our students and community. School board trustees are an excellent example of local government as these elected politicians play a vital role in providing […]

Reminder to Families of Elementary Students: Possible Changes to your Child’s Class

As students enter into the Distance Learning Program classes and class sizes may change. Students awaiting transition into Distance Learning: Students who are waiting to move into the Distance Learning Program can expect to hear from their teacher by Friday, October 23 and will begin learning in their new class on Monday, October 26. Students […]

Update on School Immunization Programs

Public Health will be offering drive-thru immunization clinics for students eligible to receive their school program vaccinations. This includes students who missed their follow up vaccines during the 2019/2020 school year and those eligible in 2020/2021 to start their immunization series. Clinics will be offered at the Medical Centre at the Boardwalk, located at 435 […]

WRDSB presents the Monster Tree Challenge

Trees throughout our region are showing off their autumn colours, and what better way to celebrate the fall season than a little leaf-learning! From now until Friday, October 30, our Outdoor Education department invites all WRDSB students and their families to participate in Monster Trees, a hunt for Waterloo region’s largest trees. This free, fun […]

World Mental Health Day 2020

October 10 marks World Mental Health Day, a day begun by the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) to raise awareness in the global community about the importance of supporting mental health, to take action and create lasting change. “It is nearly 30 years since the first World Mental Health Day was launched by the […]

Update on Elementary Classroom Assignments

To our elementary school families, I am writing to provide you with an important update regarding classroom and staffing changes to both in-person and distance learning in our elementary program. This message will clearly explain why change is necessary for our schools, and describe potential impacts for students in either in-person or distance learning environments. […]

Resources to Help Those Experiencing Family Violence

Supporting our students and their families goes beyond their learning – we want all those in the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) community to know there are resources available to help them cope with the added stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council, 1 in 3 Canadians is […]

WRDSB Celebrates World Teachers’ Day

Today, October 5, is World Teachers’ Day. A day we acknowledge our educators’ dedication and passion, show our appreciation and recognize the unprecedented journey our teachers and educators have been on since March. This morning, our 64,000 students across Waterloo Region started their school day excited and ready to learn, but it looks and feels […]

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