October 8, 2014


Marc Laurente, Lindsay Walker, Kim McMullen, Bill and Rachel Morrow, Heather Horsey,  Rebecca Shiry, Veronica Maloney, Michele Johnston, Sandy Hickey, Karen Bocskay


1)Welcome and Introductions

2) School Council Elections – Lindsay Walker Chair, Vice Chair – Karen Bocsksay, Secretary – Heather Horsey

3) EQAO results  (Marc) – Hillcrest is doing well in EQAO testing.

4) Skating (Marc) – Hillcrest will participate in Skating.  Letter will go home on Tuesday October 14th.

5) Twitter (Marc) all teachers have twitter accounts and are tweeting.

6) Lego, Bike Racks, and Piano (Marc) – new bike rack will be ordered, electric piano will be ordered, LEGO Club will start soon.

7) Smoking (Marc) – people can smoke once they are off school property (sidewalk at front, base of hill in the back)

8) Seasonal Concert (Marc) – early December –  1 Primary Concert. 1 Junior Concert

9) Mapping out the year – We will seek interest for an Ice Cream Social or Year-End BBQ.  We will hold a Cake-Walk with proceeds going to charity.  The Bike Rodeo will take place in late May or early June 2015

10) Bag2School collects used clothing items donate/recycle earn money based on weight.  Donation drop off  happens PD day during interview times. Nov 6/7 truck picks up is Nov 10.  Information for the school community will go out on the week of October 14th.

11) Looking to gain interest for Walking School Bus – Looking for  families to organize at a street/neighbourhood level to create a walking school bus share walking to school.

12) Use teacher twitter accounts to add meeting dates and to draw attention to school council social media.

November 12 6:00 next meeting

Minutes submitted by:     Heather Horsey

Approved by:                   Karen Bocskay