Hillcrest Public School Council

Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2014



Marc Laurente, Kim McMullen, Bill and Rachel Morrow, Heather Horsey, Marietta Snetsinger, Rebecca Shiry, Veronica Moloney, Michele Johnston, Sandy Hickey

1)Welcome and Introductions

2) School Council Elections – will hold elections at the October School Council Meeting

3) Notice any changes? Outdoor classrooms added, portable removed, soccer posts installed. Still to come…new trees to be planted, low maintenance mulch will replace over grown flower beds at front of the school

4) School population is at approximately 370 students this year. Portables are a thing of the past. Potentially if an additional classroom were needed the computer lab would become a classroom. Portable devices will eventually replace desktops ie chromebooks and ipads

5) Many Things To Be Proud Of: Strong Start reading help program, Pizza Days, Parent Reaching Out Grant received, Bike Rodeo Success, supporting 10 charities e.g. Coins Against Cancer, Sleeping Children Around the World, Jump Rope for Heart, Me to We, Humane Society, Food Bank to name a few.

6) Things to Look Forward to: Papou’s Sub Days – grade 6’s will cover all responsibilities, delivery to classrooms etc. Pizza, Milk and Sub Days raise funds for our school and provide convenient meal choices to families

7) BINGO – We have raised money through the Cambridge Bingo Association, and have used the money to support the Home Reading Program.

8) Volunteers –POLICE RECORD CHECKS will be required of all volunteers that work directly with students. E.G. Strong Start program Letter from school is required to obtain record check.  The school will reimburse fee Strong Start program volunteers.

New Business


1) Succession plan for programs Strong Start, Games Library and Pizza Days as our dedicated parent volunteers Kim and Rebecca will be moving on after this year. New volunteers required to take over these well established programs. (Kim and Veronica)

2) Bill mentioned that bike racks are full – another bike rack is needed (price Mr. Laurente)

3) School Council Communication to Parents – Announcements/reminders via School Day

4) Walk/bike school Initiative – scooter draw – announce next Husky Day. Last year’s campaign was a huge success Renwick traffic has greatly improved as students choose to walk or bike to school.

5) Meet the Teacher Night Wednesday September 17 – School Council display/sign up stations at kindergarten and main entrances. Message:  School Council Enriches Our School Community – volunteer – we need your help! Display our current programs, initiatives and events. FB page and Twitter. Draw prize to be claimed at next school council meeting.  Sign up sheet for pizza days, strong start ACTION: Marietta to find prizes, Heather – posters ballot display, Rachel to help at table – need more help at tables night of , Kim – Strong Start Info and sign up sheet

Agenda for Next Meeting

October 8 6:00 – Map the year

Minutes submitted by:     Heather Horsey

Approved by: Kim McMullen